Just in case you are wondering why I need another blog when i have 2 other blogs, it is cos i am highly OC! I need categories. I need things to be put into categories, otherwise it will drive me nuts. So, my first blog The silences of words is where I will write all my creative stuff. Poetry, stories and everything. My second blog, Shop Chop and Hop , is my fashion blog where I will write anything and everything related to fashion. And my third blog, Random Thoughts, will be where my blank and idle mind will vent out it's frustrations. I like to think of these blogs as a safe way to nurture my alter egos. I always have this feeling of being different persons inside my head (or is it mind?). And the differences among these personalities are so much that they are constantly at war. They want to know who is more powerful, who is more influential and who is here to stay. They wanna know who it is that I love the most. Well, honestly, I don't know. I love them all. They are al...